Hacking Chemo
My book, Hacking Chemo: Using Ketogenic Diet, Therapeutic Fasting and a Kickass Attitude to Power Through Cancer, is now available as an e-book and print-on-demand paperback. It tells my story of diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer and offers strategies and interventions that I have found very powerful in helping me through this journey that is cancer.
When I was diagnosed, I went looking for stories from other women in similar situations to mine. There were few that really resonated with me. Because the technology of the internet is so much more familiar to the young, most of the stories that were available were posted by young women, whether on YouTube or on blogs. And there was almost nothing on the use of ketogenic diets or fasting to impact on chemotherapy effectiveness or side effects. This blog and my book are my contribution to the body of information about these powerful, and empowering interventions. I am passionate to get this information to others dealing with cancer.
The book can be purchased on any of the Amazon marketplaces worldwide. The links to the US and Canadian marketplaces are here, but searching the title will allow anyone to find it in the UK, Australian, European, Japanese, etc. marketplaces.
Current links for purchase of the e-book and print-on-demand paperback are here:
In addition, the book can be purchased online at Barnes and Noble in the USA and at Chapters/Indigo in Canada. It’s not yet available in stores, but can be ordered in the stores and/or delivered to the stores for pickup. Links here:
Chapters/Indigo (Canada) Paperback
Apple Books (this is the Canadian link, but it should come up in your Apple marketplace)
This is a Universal Book Link that takes you to Books-to-Read, a site that will have links to all of the wider distribution places where the e-book version is available.