The following links will take you to PubMed, the US National Library of Medicine. These are articles that support the use of metabolic therapies such as ketogenic diets and therapeutic fasting to impact on cancer treatment and prevention. Abstracts are available for all articles, some will have links to the full text, but others are behind a paywall.
- Why do women fast during breast cancer chemotherapy? A qualitative study of the patient experience.
- Fasting and cancer treatment in humans: A case series report.
- When less may be more: calorie restriction and response to cancer therapy.
- Safety and feasibility of fasting in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy.
- Fasting cycles retard growth of tumors and sensitize a range of cancer cell types to chemotherapy.
- The effects of short-term fasting on tolerance to (neo) adjuvant chemotherapy in HER2-negative breast cancer patients: a randomized pilot study.
- Enhanced Therapeutic Efficacy in Cancer Patients by Short-term Fasting: The Autophagy Connection.
- The effects of short-term fasting on quality of life and tolerance to chemotherapy in patients with breast and ovarian cancer: a randomized cross-over pilot study.
- Fasting cycles potentiate the efficacy of gemcitabine treatment in in vitro and in vivo pancreatic cancer models.
- Fasting induces anti-Warburg effect that increases respiration but reduces ATP-synthesis to promote apoptosis in colon cancer models.
- Fasting: starving cancer.
- Selectively starving cancer cells through dietary manipulation: methods and clinical implications.
- Fasting regulates EGR1 and protects from glucose- and dexamethasone-dependent sensitization to chemotherapy.
- Starvation based differential chemotherapy: a novel approach for cancer treatment.
- Fasting and differential chemotherapy protection in patients.
- Autophagy and intermittent fasting: the connection for cancer therapy?
- Starvation-dependent differential stress resistance protects normal but not cancer cells against high-dose chemotherapy.
- Reduced levels of IGF-I mediate differential protection of normal and cancer cells in response to fasting and improve chemotherapeutic index.
- Pretreatment with alternate day modified fast will permit higher dose and frequency of cancer chemotherapy and better cure rates.